Mizan Botonicals-Vigour


  • For excessive bleeding and uterine fatigue
  • Uterine fatigue is not so much a condition as a collection of symptoms that suggest the womb lacks the strength to cycle effectively, for example short cycles, frequent spotting, spontaneous bleeding.
  • Signs of Uterine Fatigue
  • Bleeding Between Periods
  • Spontaneous Bleeding
  • Two Periods a Month
  • Anytime that there is blood present outside of the normal menstrual cycle can be a sign that there is uterine fatigue.
  • Where there is uterine fatigue we do not want to further cleanse the womb, but instead to slow down the bleed, and re-invigorate and nourish the womb.

Lady’s Mantle, Mugwort, Chamomile, Yarrow, Tangerine peel.

  1.  Put the herbs into a large pan of boiling water, crushing as you do. Boil for 10 minutes. Leave for five minutes with a lid on the pan to cool slightly.
  2. Take your underwear off, but make sure you wear socks. Sit over the herbs, draping a heavy towel or a blanket around your waist to trap the steam in. Be careful not to allow in any drafts, so make sure the blanket goes all around and reaches to the floor. Don’t get cold from the waist up either!
  3. Remain sitting over the steam for about 20 minutes. This is a good time for prayer, meditation, reading or simply to sit quietly and enjoy the herbal healing. The heat should feel pleasant. If it is too warm, wait for a few minutes and try again, if too cool simply reheat.
  4. Rest quietly after the herbal steam in a warm room free from drafts or open windows. It is best to go to bed for at least an hour. Be careful for the next 24 hours to protect yourself from cold drafts, keep warm and avoid sudden temperature changes.